For a strong start to the school year
In most German states, school starts at the end of August / beginning of September! Everyone is waiting for the timetable - we take a look at the menu. What is important for a balanced diet for schoolchildren?
Nutrition makes school
A bag of potato potato chips, a chocolate bar and a soft drink: Many pupils snack their way through school every day, and sometimes the habits even start in kindergarten or nursery. This can result in tooth decay, obesity and an increased risk of diabetes. At the same time, the young organism is not supplied with enough important nutrients.
In order to implement high-quality and varied communal catering in schools, "School + Food = Grade 1" exists. It is part of a project of "IN FORM" - Germany's initiative for healthy eating, which was launched in 2008 by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) is also involved. The aim is to comply with the DGE quality standards.
Not only learning material, but also vital substances are important
So what exactly should schoolchildren eat - apart from reading, writing and arithmetic? In contrast to adults, children are still growing and developing - especially during growth spurts at pre-school age. In recent years, the DONALD and ESKIMO studies have shown that children in Germany are provided with the most important vitamins and minerals if they have a balanced diet. The recommended values for vitamin D, calcium, folate, iron and iodine are not quite reached. The German Nutrition Society provides reference values by age group for all relevant nutrients. The following applies: The information is for guidance only, as it may be different in individual cases. Ideally, you should speak to your child's pediatrician.
Getting the curve against tooth decay and co.
Within families, parents in particular are confronted with other challenges when it comes to the diet. Incidentally, no one needs to be ashamed of their offspring's supposedly poor diet. Perhaps it's because their own child has little appetite, perhaps they are jealous of their classmates' lunch boxes, or perhaps they simply don't have the time to do the shopping and cook extensively. The most important thing is to get the child back on the healthy track with excitement and taste.
If you take a few tips to heart, life can become easier and nutrition can improve:
- Set a good example yourself (more fruit, vegetables)
- No prohibitions or constraints
- Offer "healthy snacks" suitable for children (nuts, vegetable sticks, "fruit face" on the plate)
- Cook together, involve children in the preparation of food
- Introduce a fixed rhythm at mealtimes
Highly sugary or fatty snacks are still allowed to a limited extent, but should be the exception rather than the rule. Nutrition pyramid of the Federal Center for Health (BZfE) helps to learn the correct weighting of foods. The consumer advice center offers a simplified pyramid especially for children: it can be easily translated into consumption recommendations for the respective types of food. There is a literal "rule of thumb": one portion always corresponds to one hand, depending on the age and size of the child's hands.
Thinking outside the box
As mentioned earlier, a varied, nutrient-rich supply covers the daily requirement of vitamins and trace elements for your child's development. Vitamin D, which the body produces itself with the help of sunlight, is a special case. For parents who want to be on the safe side, various nutritional supplements are available. In our online store you will find, for example Children Active Complex made from various organic direct juices, with B vitamins, zinc and iron. For supplementation with vitamin D, we carry e.g. Vitamin D3 drops. Among other things, it contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and normal muscle function. The vital substances in our Calcium & Magnesium Complex are involved in the same functions.
2. Reference values nutrients DGE
3. "IN FORM"