Green, yes green are all my ... rooms!

Grün, ja grün sind alle meine ... Zimmer!

Plants are not only beautiful, they also have a positive effect on the mood, can improve the indoor climate by filtering pollutants from the air and thus also ensure a better night's sleep. Depending on the species, plants thrive particularly well in light, dark, damp or warm rooms. Here you will find tips on the ideal location for your plants, whether in the bedroom, kitchen or bathroom - even if you are a "plant beginner"!

Living room

A wonderful living room greenery with exotic flair: the Mexican mountain palm Chamaedorea. This plant with its feathery leaves is undemanding, inexpensive to buy and an air filter for pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Location: bright, but without direct sunlight
Watering: moderately, it should never stand in water
Alternatives: Strelitzia, rubber tree, philodendron, begonias, cacti and succulents


The fig tree Ficus Benjamina is one of our most popular houseplants: pretty, robust and easy to care for. It also removes pollutants from the air and provides additional oxygen - making it a perfect plant for the bedroom.

Location: bright, but not too sunny
Watering: moderately and regularly, the top layer of soil may dry slightly
Alternatives: Aloe vera, bow hemp, green lily or rubber tree


According to NASA findings, the robust ivy Epipremnum aureum is one of the three plants that can filter formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and benzene from indoor air. As older chipboard from kitchen furniture can still contain large quantities of so-called volatile organic compounds, which can continue to evaporate for years, this plant is a perfect air purifier.

Location: bright, but not too sunny
Watering: undemanding, tolerates little water, but doesn't mind a lot either
Alternatives: Fern, tillandsia, herbs in a pot or ivy


The cob thread with its originally patterned leaves is the ideal bath plant. This robust plant from the tropics loves a humid indoor climate and can filter pollutants from the air. While you make yourself pretty in the bathroom, the cob thread will beautify your bathroom with its beautiful flowers. A perfect match, isn't it?

Location: Bright, humid indoor climate
Watering: abundant
Alternatives: Fern, tillandsia, philodendron or ivy

Ideal houseplants ...

... for dark rooms: Cobbler's palm, zamioculcas, ivy, hemp, green lily, bobblehead, kalanoche, cob thread, dragon tree, philodendron or monocot
... for dry heating air: Cacti and succulents, money tree, Christmas cactus or Schefflera
... for cool rooms: Fern, azalea, indoor fir and green lily
... for damp rooms: Orchid, fern, hemp or monocot

... for beginners:
- Monstera deliciosa, "Delicious window leaf": bright location, moderate watering
- Ficus Elastical, "Rubber tree": above 18° C, moderate watering
- Pilea peperomioides, "Chinese money tree": warm, rather shady location, regular, moderate watering
- Schefflera, "Radiant Aralia": bright, even direct sunlight, spaced well apart and little watering

... for pet owners:
Non-toxic plants include the holly palm, bamboo palm, kentia palm, banana plant, money tree, staghorn fern, sword fern.

"Green fingers" also for your own well-being

We only use high-quality, purely natural organic products for our food supplements. If you want to do something for your muscles and joints while you are remodeling, our Joint Complex which contains devil's claw extract and vitamin C. The latter supports collagen formation and therefore cartilage function.